I create small and limited edition collections when I come across some truly unique and special fabrics.
Old embroideries, fabrics that have been hand dyed or block printed. These treasures may come from a particular region I’ve visited or from collaborating with another maker. Regardless of their origins, they inspire me to craft these special collections.
The fabrics for the special collections is only available in small quantities, so when the special collection is sold out I am not able to make any more of these particular products.
Below is a selection of pictures on previous special collections.

Embroidered birds always attract my attention at second-hand shops and flea markets. They are often framed in a rather old fashioned way and can feel very outdated. But if you just look at the bird, you can see how beautiful it is!
That's exactly what I did for this bird collection. The beautifully embroidered birds were given new life together with other fabrics, both new artisanal, block printed and vintage fabrics.

Vintage Kimono
When I stumbled upon beautiful vintage kimono fabrics, I immediately knew they wanted to become a new special collection. I have combined the kimono fabrics with linen fabrics (old and new), Swedish traditional fabrics, and hand-woven fabrics that allow different craft traditions and cultures to meet and interact in this collection.

Hungarian embroideries
Den här specialkollektionen är tillverkad av ungerska broderier i kombination med traditionella svenska tyger och begagnade linnetyger. Kollektionen blev en vacker blandning av kulturer och hantverk, som ger broderierna både nytt liv och nya användningsområden.
Broderierna har dessutom en fin bakgrundshistoria:
För några år sedan på en bakluckeloppis hittade jag en låda full av vackra broderier. Mannen som sålde dem var från Ungern och berättade att hans fru under många år gjort broderierna. Nu hade hans fru gått bort och han visste inte vad han skulle göra med allt hantverk. Först hade jag bara tänkt köpa en eller två, men när jag hörde att allt osn Slt skulle kastas köpte jag hela lådan. 80 kr för ett helt livsverk!
Wondering what to do with all the doylies, I eventually decided on making bags – by combining the Hungarian embroideries with other fabrics in new ways.
Genom att kombinera broderierna med andra tyger i min lapptäcksteknik tillverkade jag helt unika och otroligt vackra väskor. Det här blev min första kollektion med gamla broderier.
Några månader senare skickade en snäll följare på Instagram ett paket med vackra bordsdukar gjorda av hennes ungerska mormor. Det kändes otroligt fint att få ge även dessa broderier ett nytt liv.

Blekinge embroideries
I have always had a deep love for vintage embroideries – the skill and time it has taken to make these beautiful textiles. My passion recently led me to discover some exquisite pieces from Blekinge, a region in southern Sweden.
I usually find vintage embroideries at the bottom of a box, half forgotten at flea markets and car boots. I feel so sad that there is no one who appreciates these textile treasures.
By "rescuing" old embroideries and give them new life in my bags, I hope more people will see and understand their value.
While on summer holiday in Blekinge, I explored numerous of flea markets and was thrilled to come across these stunning local embroideries.
What sets the Blekinge embroidery apart is their unique style, characterized by the use of blue, pink and yellow embroidery threads. Clearly, these embroideries have been created with love and care, and I am always moved by the thought of rescuing and preserving such beautiful craftsmanship. .
In this special collection I have combined the old Blekinge emboideries with matching old, traditional Swedish fabrics.

The Indigo Collection is a series of bags crafted from stunning fabrics sourced from small scale producers in Thailand, Indonesia and Japan. The fabrics have been dyed with indigo, hand and block printed – resulting in unique and beautiful products.
The fabrics are made in small batches, and crafted by highly skilled artisans. Each bag is a testament to the quality and craftmanship that goes into producing these beautiful fabrics.
A trip to lovely Yorkshire in England inspired me to make a collection with Tweed fabrics.
In a display case at the yarnfestival Yarndale, I found, among vintage knitting books and other old textile treasures, a basket filled with leftovers of old Tweed. Pairing up with some new Tweed I created a special collection Tweed bags.

Textila händer
The Textila Händer collection, textile hands in Swedish, was a very special collaboration with Sanna Wingård, @ioelora on Instagram.
Sanna dyes the most beautiful fabrics with natural dyes from plants. This fabrics inspired me to make this collection.
The concept behind this special collection was to allow the hands to work their magic, using preloved, handmade textiles dyed with plants as their canvas. To achieve this I combined Sanna's lovely fabrics with other exquisite textiles, such as linen and sari silk, slowstitched sections and even a handspun and handwoven fabric from a women cooperative in India. This cooperative has given these women the possibility to these women to be able to improve their lives, gives even more value to this special collection.